- A Call To Worship
- All Consuming FIRE
- All for Messiah (Christ)
- Ancient Paths
- Are YOU a SALTY Christian?
- Army with Banners
- Battle Ready
- Behind The Veil
- Behold The Bridegroom Cometh!
- Between The Cherubim
- Biblical Significance of Colors & Color Combinations
- The Breastplate of the High Priest
- Canticles
- Claiming Jehoshaphat's Strategy
- Do This in REMEMBRANCE of Me
- ESTHER: Discover the hidden truths of the Bride
- EZRA: A Remnant
- The Fathers' Adorning - What ARE Tabrets?
- FAQ… Product Care
- Feast of TRUMPETS - Yom Teruah
- Garment - word study
- Flags and Banners in the Bible - overview
- God's Suddenlies - A Karios Time
- I WAS MADE FOR THIS - A Banner Bearers Story NEW!
- Joshua 6
- Mercy Seat: the veil was rent
- Miriam - character study
- Moedim: God's Sacred Days
- Purim Esther's Biblical Feast
- Putting Scripture to Memory - An exercise of spirit & mind
- Radiant Bride Mtg. 11/1/19
- Sisterhood in Christ
- Spiritual Warfare Prayer FLAG Walk
- SYMBOLS in the Scriptures
- TABRET Scriptures
- TAMBOURINES or is it Timbrels?
- The Calling
- The 5 "F's" of Personal Worship
- The Two Shall Become 'One'
- Warrior RODS
- What Time Is It?
- What's Your Reflection at Christmastime?
- Wisdom Heed Her Voice
- You Are GOOD - Tov=Hebrew
- Jehovah Sabaoth – YHWH TZEVA-OT REVISITED!
- David Study - Introduction Notes
- Esther Study - Introduction Notes
- Jesus & Women - Notes session #3
- Daniel - Notes chapter #1
- Daniel - Notes chapter #4
- Daniel - Notes chapter #7 (little horn)
- A WARRIORS PRAYER (The Whole Armor of God)
- YOM TERUAH – Begins the Fall Feasts NEW!
- 10 Uses For Peppermint Oil
- Atmosphere: Spikenard
- Biblical Essential Oils: Scripture References
- Body Brushing Steps
- Frequency Life
- HEALTH TIP - Sinuses
- Himalayan Salt - Essential Oil Diffuser
- The Many Benefits of Myrrh
- Power of Cedarwood Oil
- The Scent of Worship
- A Little Birdie Told Me (poem)
- A Raging River (dream)
- A Testimonial - The God Who Heals
- A Watchman (dream) REVISITED!
- Things are heating up - FLAG/PRAYER WALK NEW!
- 10 Basic Flag Positions & Movements
- Biblical Colors & Flag Movements WORKSHOP
- Joining Heaven's Worship Conf. - Matteh Workshop
- Matteh Workshop
- Shavout @ Hudson Beach, Florida
- The Anointing - a note from Lora
- Worship Tools, Flag Protocol & Flexi-rods
What others are saying:
Hi Lora! I'm so blessed to be on your beautiful website. Your website is so informational, you have affordable merchandise as well. I'm looking forward to buying my items and putting them to use! I've been flagging on and off for 14 years now, and I'm starting to feel a pull to be more consistent in flagging. As I was surfing your website I seen some material you have in your teaching section. is it okay if I print for my personal use? I will also be sharing it with my daughter. Please let me know, again Thank You for sharing this with us. This has been the easiest website with various resources I've come across in years. Thank You for your service and hard work! TM
Hi Lora, I've been invited to a small retreat to teach about worshiping the Lord with worship flags. I would like to add PowerPoint slides about the meaning of colors and I found your PDF handout on the internet. "Bible Significance of Color & Color Combinations." May I have your permission for this? I saw on your website that you have some names for movements too and have not looked in to that to present yet, but that looked interesting also and I may want to use that too. Thank you, KG